8 Effective Habits for the Successful Entrepreneur
Every career has a set of habits that significantly increase the odds of success. The practices necessary for success will vary from career to career. Fortunately, there are many successful entrepreneurs that we can look to for guidance. It’s not surprising that many of them share the same habits. There’s no reason why you can’t […]
Micro-Famous: How to Become Well-Known in Your Niche
It’s not necessary for the whole world to know who you are to be highly successful. You only need the right people to know who you are. For example, if you’re a real estate broker, you want the people in your area to know who you are. If you own a company that provides web […]
7 Social Media Mistakes That Can Harm Your Career
https://youtu.be/57sBfR5Taa0 Avoid making social media mistakes that could result in the loss of your employment.Use social media platforms wisely by avoiding these mistakes: Posting about controversial topics. Public comments regarding emotionally charged topics is always risky. You might not like the idea of same-sex marriage or have strong opinions about religion, but you never know […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Marketing
Both new and old businesses are trying to increase profits by using online marketing to increase sales, while also hoping to raise brand awareness. While online marketing has its advantages, there are also some disadvantages too. Let’s look at both the advantages and disadvantages of online marketing. Advantages of Online Marketing It can be a […]
6 Ways That Online Marketing Can Grow Your Business
Advertising and marketing your business can be an expensive process, which is why many business owners rely on word of mouth to promote their businesses. While this can be effective, it will take a while to build up your clientele with this approach. Online marketing can deliver impressive results on a small budget if planned […]
How To Use Adobe Spark
https://youtu.be/oFPjytQqsi4 This is a quick tutorial on how to use Adobe Spark to create beautiful images for your social media posts. Adobe spark is free and can be found at spark.adobe.com For more social media help and content, click here.
How to Learn Online Marketing at Home
To become successful at online marketing, one must develop the necessary skills and knowledge to produce the best results. This will take hard work and patience, but the good news is that you do not need to attend a college or university to get these skills. In this guide, you’ll discover some methods you can […]
The Power of Social Media in Marketing
https://youtu.be/Zvlexc8nr-A Today I want to talk really quickly about social media and why it matters. Facebook currently has over 2 billion daily active users. 2 billion. YouTube has almost 2 billion active users. Instagram has 1 billion. Twitter has approximately 330 million users. LinkedIn has about 303 million and Pinterest has 250 million users, okay. […]
6 Online Marketing Tactics to Increase Your Sales
Even if you’re happy with the current number of sales you’re making, there are always ways to increase these figures. Online marketing is just one of these ways, and if done effectively, can make a real difference in your profits. Try these online marketing techniques to make more sales: Make use of affiliates. When you […]
SEO vs. Social Media Marketing – Which is Better?
With online marketing, there’s a debate raging among experts over which strategy is best to grow your business. Would SEO or social media marketing be the better option? Often, businesses will hire an SEO expert or agency to increase their visibility in the search engines without even thinking about social media and the traffic that […]